CAMPUS พิษณุโลก อาคารเรียนคณะสหเวชศาสตร์
 ACADEMIC YEAR   2024     /  {1}    2    3    BETWEEN  29/4/2024 - 5/5/2024 



The data in the timetable combined with course code (credit), group, academic degree
L0:-N/A-, L10:Bachelor Degree, L11:Bachelor Degree, L12:Bachelor Degree, L13:Bachelor Degree, L14:Bachelor Degree, L15:Bachelor Degree, L16:Bachelor Degree, L17:Bachelor Degree, L18:Bachelor Degree, L19:Bachelor Degree, L21:Master Degree, L23:Master Degree, L24:Master Degree, L25:Master Degree, L26:Master Degree, L27:Master Degree, L28:Master Degree, L29:Master Degree, L31:Doctoral Degree, L33:Doctoral Degree, L34:Doctoral Degree, L36:Doctoral Degree, L40:Training Courses, L41:Matayom, L42:Primary, L43:Certificate, L44:Kindergarten, L53:Graduate Diploma, L56:Graduate Diploma, L63:Higher Graduate Diploma, L90:Long life, L91:Bachelor Certificate Of Achievement, L92:Graduate Certificate Of Achievement, L93:credit bank, L94:credit bank, L95:credit bank, L96:-, L97:-, L98:Short course, L99:-RESERVE LEVELID-,
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Contact staff.
Division of Academic Affaris
Naresuan University, Phitsanulok 65000, Thailand

Registration and Evaluation office
Tel.(66)0-5596-8324 Or  Contract to staff